Do you want to style and color a data table in seconds? Do you want to add filters to a table quickly? Below I show you how to do both in just a few clicks 👇👇👇
1. Select your table data and click Home > Format as Table :
2. Select the color, shade, and other formatting details from the drop-down options. In our case, we'll choose a turquoise color, with a medium shade, a colored header, and striped rows:

3. Confirm that the table data is the selected one and indicate whether your table has headers or not and press OK :
4. Done! Your data table now has the style applied, and you can also use the arrows in the headers to filter and sort your data :
Take advantage of the "Format as Table" command to give your data tables a nice style in just a few seconds. You can always edit the style if you don't like something, but this option is a good place to start.
Learn how to format and style your Excel workbooks, build a dashboard, and other formatting options in the "Excel for Work" Course on Udemy !